VGP-WKB1の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全132ページ 1.18MB]
gizport - 2013-09-14 - 1.18MB
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132page / 1.18MB
28 GBSymptom Cause/RemedyThe pointer doesn'tmove when I move themouse.When I press thewheel button, thequick/auto scrollfunction does notwork.The zoom functiondoes not work when Irotate the wheelbutton.When I'm using thekeyboard or mouse,the display goes darkor the computer entersa power-saving mode.cWindows or other software processes may temporarilydisable the mouse. In this case, you may need to wait forthe processing to finish before using the mouse.cYou may find some useful solutions in your computer'soperating manual. Refer to the manuals provided withyour computer.*The mouse batteries are exhausted.cIf the mouse power does not come on even when theON/OFF(power) switch is set to ON, replace thebatteries. For details, see "Setting Up" (page 10).*The mouse is not communicating with the receiver.cProceed as described in "Enabling communicationbetween the keyboard and mouse and the receiver" toensure that proper communication is possible (page 13).cIn some usage environments, the usable distance may beshorter, preventing normal operation. Ensure that thereceiver is not closer than 8 in.(20 cm) to the computer,display, and other electronic devices.cIf the mouse is too far from the receiver, communicationis not possible. Use the mouse closer to the receiver.*The mouse is being used on an unsuitable surface.cWhen used on a mirror, glass, or other shiny surface, oron a transparent or strongly patterned surface, the sensorat the bottom of the mouse may not be able to correctlydetect the mouse movements. In such cases, use amouse pad.*The software does not support the quick/auto scrollfunction.cThis function is available only with programs thatsupport it.*The program does not support the zoom function.cThis function is available only with programs thatsupport it.*The document has been zoomed out to the maximumlevel, and the scroll bar appears.cUse a method other than wheel button operation toreturn to the zoom function by zooming out until thescroll bar disappears.*The computer enters a power-saving mode while themouse is in use.cWhen using the mouse, change the power managementsetting so that the computer does not enter a power-saving mode. For details, refer to the manuals providedwith your computer.cTouch the pointing device or press any key to returnfrom a power-saving mode.