BT-3DL2550の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全64ページ 9.97MB]
BT-3DL2550-OI.pdf - 9.97MB
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64page / 9.97MB
61Specifications (continued)_ Signal formats supported in 3D mode ( : Compatible, : Limited compatibility, -: Not compatible)*1When 1035/59.94i signal is input, displayed as 1080/59.94i. Other various marker displays will use the 1080/59.94i marker. At this time the top of the screen will flicker. This is not a fault.*2When 1035/60i signal is input, displayed as 1080/60i. Other various marker displays will use the 1080/60i marker. At this time the top of the screen will flicker. This is not a fault.*3 Displayed dot by dot in 3D mode (except COMPARISON) without altering the input signal size.*4 Only supported with LINE BY LINE format.*5 Displayed as 1080/50i when input is 1080/25PsF.*6 Displayed as 1080/59.94i when input is 1080/29.97PsF.*7 Displayed as 1080/60i when input is 1080/30PsF.Weight and dimensions when shown are approximately. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Input signal formatsSIMUL LINE BY LINE SIDE BY SIDESDI SDI DVI-VIDEO DVI-COMP SDI DVI-VIDEO720/50p*3 *3 *3-*3 *3720/59.94p*3 *3 *3-*3 *3720/60p*3 *3 *3-*3 *31035/59.94i*1---*1-1035/60i*2---*2-1080/23.98PsF - - - -1080/24PsF - - - -1080/25PsF*5---*5-1080/29.97PsF*6---*6-1080/30PsF*7---*7-1080/50i - - -1080/59.94i - - -1080/60i - - -1920 * 1200 (60 Hz) - - -*4--BT-3DL2550PE(VQT2U10) 61 ページ 2010年7月8日 木曜日 午後2時12分
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