S PEC F ILEPT-FW300NTLCD ProjectorAs of November 2008 < 11 >Parameter formatParameter format Size (Byte) Definition<pl><off on><input signal><installation><language><power condition><lamp condition><acctch><color temp><date><time>3 (1 or 2 bytes also possible when under control)1313314186Decimal without s igns: 0-999 (000, 001, 002...999)Decimal with signs: -99 to +99 (-99...-01, +00, +01, +02...+99) Callback from the projector is 3 Byte.0 = off, 1 = onDVI = DVI-D, RG1 = computer 1, RG 2 = computer 2, NWP = network, VID = video, SVD = S-Video0 = front, 1 = rear, 2 = ceiling and front, 3 = ceiling and rearENG = English, DEU = German, FRA = French, ES P = Spanish,ITL = Italian, JPN = Japane se, CHI = Chinese, POR = Portugues e,SVE = Swedish, NOR = Norwegian, DAN = Danis h, POL = Polish,CES = Czech, MAG = Hungarian, RUS = Russian, THA = Thai, K OR = Korean000 = power on (s tandby mode on), 001 = power off (s tandby mode off)0 = standby, 1 = lamp on under control, 2 = lamp off,3 = lamp off under controlDicimal without signs: 0000-9999 hours0 = low, 1 = default, 2 = highy1y2y3y4m1m2d1d2w = year (y) month (m) day (d) day of week (w)Day of week: Monday = 1, Tues day = 2, ... Sunday = 7h1h2m1m2s1s2 = hour (h) minute (m) s econd (s)Command exampleTo set the volume to +30, send the command as shown below.STX AVL : 30 ETXStart Command Parameter EndNOTE: If a wrong command is received, the projector will send an ER401 command to the computer.NOTE: When sending commands without parameters, a colon (:) is not necessary.