PT-LB1Vの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全10ページ 0.89MB]
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S P E C F I L EPT-LB1VLCD ProjectorAs of May 2011SFL11M0019/10Parameter formatParameter format Size (Byte) Definition<pl><off on><input signal><power condition><lamp condition><acctch><color temp>3 (1 or 2 bytes also possible when under control)133141Decimal without signs: 0 to 999 (000, 001, 002...999)Decimal with signs: -99 to +99 (-99...-01, +00, +01, +02...+99) Callback from the projector is 3 Byte.0 = off, 1 = onRG1 = computer 1, RG2 = computer 2, VID = video, SVD = S-Video000 = power off (standby mode off), 001 = power on (standby mode on)0 = standby, 1 = lamp on under control, 2 = lamp on,3 = lamp off under controlDecimal without signs: 0000-9999 hours0 = low, 1 = normal, 2 = highCommand exampleTo set the volume to +30, send the command as shown right.STX AVL : 30 ETXStart Command Parameter EndNOTE: If a wrong command is received, the projector will send an ER401 command to the computer.*These commands can be operated in standby mode eco. Other commands shown can not be operated in standby mode eco.NOTE: When sending commands without parameters, a colon (:) is not necessary.Status request commandsCommand Description Callback<Parameter>QPW*Q$S*QINQAVQVCQVTQVBQVRQVSQWRQWGQWBQHPQVPQCPQDCQSPQLGQXGQVX:DLVI0QPMQFZQ$LQSHQKSQTEStandby power statusLamp statusInput signal statusVolume adjustment valueColor adjustment valueTint adjustent valueBrightness adjustment valueContrast adjustment valueSharpness adjustment valueWhite balance: R adjustment valueWhite balance: G adjustment valueWhite balance: B adjustment valueHorizontal position adjustment valueVertical position adjustment valueClock phase adjustment valueDot clock adjustment valueProjection method statusOn-screen menu languageWide mode statusDaylight View statusPicture mode statusFreeze statusLamp run timeAV muteKeystone correction statusColor temperature adjustment statusOffOnAutoOffAutoOnNaturalStandardDynamicBlackboardWhiteboard<power condition><lamp condition><input signal><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><pl><0><1><2><+00000><+00001><+00002><NAT><STD><DYN><BBD><WBD><off_on><acctch><off_on><pl><color temp>