N-03Cの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全172ページ 15.42MB]
gizport - 2013-08-14
http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/.../N-03C_J_All.pdf - 15.42MB
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172page / 15.42MB
その他107Call forwarding Service■ Activatei ➜ “TEL function ” ➜ “Other network serv. ” ➜ “Call forwarding” ➜ “Activate ” ➜ Set a forwarding number and the ring time, then select “Activate ” ➜ “YES ”■ Deactivatei ➜ “TEL function ” ➜ “Other network serv. ” ➜ “Call forwarding ” ➜ “Deactivate ” ➜ “YES ”Emergency callEmergency call Phone numberPolice emergency 110Fire brigade/Ambulance emergency119Maritime distress call118・ Depending on the area you are calling from, you may not be connected with the nearest police or fire department.Main iconsIcon display area: Battery level: FOMA signal strength : Appears when you are out of FOMA service area: i-mode in progress: Unread mail: During a voice call: Dial lock: i-concier information: Using Multitask: Bluetooth: microSD card inserted : Vibrator set : Ring volume set to “Silent ”: Manner mode set: Public mode (Drive mode) ON: Alarm set:Voice Mail message: Record VP message set: eco mode1 “ON ”: eco mode2 “ON ”: Keypad lock set/ready:USB cable connected in communication modeFor Overseas UseMaking a callMaking a call to outside your destination country (including Japan)■ Make a call by dialing from the country codeOn the standby screen, dial + (0 (1 second or longer)) ➜ Country code* ➜ Area code (City code) ➜ The other party's phone number ➜ r or u (V.phone)* The country code for Japan is 81.Making a local call in the country of stayDial the other party's phone number ➜ r or u (V.phone)Receiving a callWhen you receive a voice/videophone call, press r .After returning to JapanWhen you return to Japan and turn on the power, the network will be automatically searched and connected to the FOMA network (DOCOMO). ■ Re-search the connectable operatori ➜ “Map/Overseas ” ➜ “Overseas NW search ” ➜ “Network search setting ” ➜ “Network re-search ”When select “Manual ”, select an operator.
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