iPod (dock connector)の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全88ページ 4.18MB]
gizport - 2013-10-05
http://manuals.info.apple.com/.../Apple_Universal_Dock.pdf - 4.18MB
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88page / 4.18MB
Choose the cable or adapter based on the inputs available on your TV or video device.AV cables and adapters are available separately at www.apple.com/store.Important: Make sure you set your iPod or iPhone to send a video signal to your TV orreceiver. For more information, see the user guide for your iPod or iPhone, available onthe web at support.apple.com/manuals.Before you begin connecting components, turn down the volume on your TVor stereo components, turn off your iPod or iPhone, and turn off the power to allyour components. Make all connections firmly to avoid hum and other noise. Forinformation about avoiding hearing damage, see page 13.To connect the Dock to your TV or video device:1 Connect the AV cable or adapter to the dock connector port on the Dock and to yourTV or video device. See the instructions that came with your AV cable or adapter.2 Turn on your iPod or iPhone, adjust the volume to an appropriate level, and then turnon your TV or video device to start playing.To display photos or videos on your TV or video device:mm See the user guide for your iPod or iPhone, available on the web at:support.apple.com/manuals8English