Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
100The "B" settingThe " B " setting, at which the shutter remains openfor as long as the shutter release button is de-pressed, allows exposures of any length.The exposure meter remains turned off, howeverthe digital numerical display counts the expiredexposure time in seconds after the shutter is re-leased. To preserve the batteries, the maximumcount and display is “9 9 ”. After this, the displaygoes out, but the shutter can nevertheless remainopen for as long as required.Note: With the " B " function, batteries are still re-quired to open and close the shutter. However, forthe entire duration of the exposure, the open shut-ter does not consume any power, only a smallamount of battery power is required for the camera control.Meter sensitivityAt room temperature, normal humidity and anaperture of 1.0, the measuring range is from 0.03to 125000cd/m2. For ISO 100/21° this corres-ponds to EV-2 to 20 or f/1.0 and 4s to f/ 32 and1/1000s (see also diagram on page 103).Light levels below the measuring rangeIf manual setting at very low luminance goes below the measuring range of the exposure meter, the left-hand triangular LED flashes as awarning. For the aperture priority mode, the shut-ter speed continues to be shown. If the necessaryshutter speed falls below the slowest possiblespeed of 32s, this display also flashes.Since the meter uses the working aperture, theLEDs may also flash when the lens is stopped down.The exposure meter remains on for approximately14 seconds after finger pressure is removed fromthe shutter release button, even if the light level isbelow the threshold sensitivity level. If the light level improves during this time (e.g. if the compo-sition is changed or the diaphragm opened), theLEDs stop flashing and come on permanently.