Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
101Switching off the exposure meterIf the camera will not be used for a long period, oris stored in a bag, it should always be turned off atthe main switch. This stops any power consump-tion, including the slight consumption that contin-ues in Standby mode after the exposure meter hasturned off automatically and the displays have gone out. This also prevents accidental expo-sures.Metering diagram (see also p.103)The metering diagram applies to both exposuremodes, aperture priority mode and manual set-ting.Details of the measuring range of the exposuremeter can be found on the right-hand side of thediagram, while details of the working range of thefocal plane shutter can be seen on the left. The ex-posure values (EV) are shown in the middle.The metering range of the exposure meter is indi-cated on the right-hand side of the diagram, incd/m2(candela per square meter).The ISO film speed values (Sv) are shown at thetop of the diagram.The different exposure speeds in seconds (Tv= Time value) are shown on the left-hand side of thediagram.The working range of the LEICA M7 focal planeshutter is represented schematically by the shad-ed area in the adjacent column. With the " B ” set-ting, the upper section is unrestricted.The aperture values (Av) are shown on the lowerleft-hand side.Example A shows the correlation between the filmspeed, luminance (brightness), exposure andaperture.First follow the vertical line from the film speed(ISO 100/21°) down to the intersection on thehorizontal line representing the corresponding luminance. In example A, this is 4000 cd/m2, i.e. a typical value for bright sunlight. The line now runs diago-nally to the vertical line indicating the aperture(11), and from there horizontally to the requiredspeed (1/250s). In the course of this diagonal line, the exposure value (15) can also be found.Example B shows that in candlelight and with afilm speed of ISO 400/27°(cd/m2), photographsshould be taken with an aperture of f/1.4 and ashutter speed of 1/15s. An aperture of f/11, forexample, can no longer be used as the corres-ponding shutter speed of 4s is not available