Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
68Nomenclature 01. Base plate holding pin0 2.Battery compartment cover0 3.Lens release button0 4.Eyelets for carrying strap0 5.Red button for lens alignment0 6.Release lever for film rewinding 0 7. Automatic frame counter0 8.Shutter release button with threaded socketfor cable release0 9.Main switch10. Quick-wind lever for advancing the film andcocking the shutter (is set to stand-by posi-tion when shooting)11. Shutter speed dial with clickstops for:• Manually adjustable shutter speeds from4s to 1/1000s, inc. two mechanically con-trolled speeds - 1/60s and 1/125s, whichare available at any time, i.e. even withoutbattery power,• " " for 1/50s synchronising speed forflash operation • " B " for long time exposures• " AUTO " for aperture priority automaticexposure mode (with manual aperturepre-selection) with shutter speeds from32s to 1/1000s12. Rangefinder window13. Accessory shoe for flash control with:• Central (triggering) and• Control contacts14. Bright-line frame illumination window15. Angled rewind crank16. Viewfinder window with mirrored strips for im-proved LED visibility in br ight light and en-graved viewfinder magnification factors17. Fixed ring with index for focusing, alignmentbutton for changing lenses and depth offield scale18. Focusing ring19. Aperture ring20.White index dot for aperture setting21. Frame selector22.Viewfinder eyepiece23.Socket for connecting flash units with cord24. Camera back25.Tripod bushing A1/4, DIN 4503 (1/4")26. Base plate27. Exposure compensation scale with range of±2EV in 1/3EV steps28.Exposure compensation ring with white in-dex dot29.Film speed dial with:• ISO speed values from 6 to 6400 and• DX position for automatic setting fromISO 25/15° to ISO 5000/38°