Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
79Note: Because of the spring-loaded DX contacts,which press onto the film cartridge, you will feelslight resistance when removing the cartridgefrom the camera. If necessary, you can lightlytapthe camera on your hand to assist you.If a film is not correctly attached to the cartridgereel, e.g. when using bulk film, the end of the filmmay become separated and have to be detachedfrom the take-up spool.To do this:0 1. Remove the base plate of the camera in a com-pletely dark room,0 2. hold the camera with the base plate open andfacing downwards, and0 3. slowly operate the quick-wind lever several times until the film protrudes far enough to begrasped and pulled out. If necessary, gentlytap the camera against the palm of your hand.Setting the film speedThe dial (29) is used to select the desired type offilm speed setting – automatically in the DX posi-tion or manually by setting one of the values onthe scale between ISO 6/9° and 6400/39°. Inthe DX position, the film speed is automaticallyscanned from the film cartridge in the range ISO25/15° to 5000/38°. (ISO is the international designation for film speeds).To set the speed, the locking dial is turned so thatthe desired setting – DX or the desired value – isopposite the white index dot on the exposurecompensation dial (28).27282930