Leica M7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全134ページ 1.37MB]
gizport - 2013-09-01
http://jp.leica-camera.com/.../download.php?filename=file_2163.pdf - 1.37MB
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134page / 1.37MB
990 3. Continuing to hold down the shutter releasebutton, move the camera to the final picturedetail,0 4. and then you can release the shutter with theoriginal exposure calculated.Changing the aperture setting after the measuredvalue is locked doesnotresultin adjustment ofthe shutter speed, i.e. it would lead to incorrectexposure.Memory-lock ends when the finger is removedfrom the pressure point of the shutter release but-ton.Note: When using the camera with a motoriseddrive, e.g. LEICA MOTOR M, metering memory-lock can onlybe used for individual exposures, notfor a series of exposures.Setting the exposure manuallyTo set the exposure completely manually, theshutter speed dial (11) must be set to one of theengraved shutter speeds.Then:0 1. Turn on the exposure meter,0 2. turn the shutter speed dial and /or the aper-ture ring on the lens in the direction indicatedby the flashing LED until only the round LEDcomes on. In addition to the direction of rotation of bothshutter speed dial and lens aperture ring requiredfor correct exposure, the three LEDs of the lightbalance also indicate over-, under- and correct exposure as follows: Underexposure by at least one f-stop; turnclockwise. Underexposure by half an f-stop; turnclockwise. Correct exposure Overexposure by half an f-stop; turnanticlockwise. Overexposure by at least one f- stop; turn anticlockwise. Note: For shutter speeds slower than 2s, the re-maining exposure time is counted down in the display after the shutter is released.