LS-30の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全49ページ 3.39MB]
gizport - 2013-09-08 - 3.39MB
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- 45 -Troubleshooting* If you are using an IBM PC/AT compatible computer, hasyour SCSI board or PCMCIA card been tested and approvedby Nikon?A list of Nikon-approved SCSI adapters is provided sepa-rately. If your adapter is not on this list, you may need topurchase and install a Nikon-approved adapter before yourscanner will work.* If you are using an IBM PC/AT compatible computer, do youhave updated drivers for your SCSI adapter?SCSI drivers are updated as new SCSI devices appear on themarket and as incompatibilities are found with existing SCSIdevices. Check with the board's manufacturer to determinewhether problems have been discovered with your existingdriver and if so, how to obtain replacement software. If youare using a Nikon-approved Adaptec SCSI adapter, informa-tion can be obtained on the World-Wide Web at thefollowing site: (note that this URLmay have changed since this manual was written).* If you are using an IBM PC/AT compatible computer, do thesystem resources used by your board conflict with thoseallocated to other devices?Resource conflicts can be identified in Windows 95 byopening the System Properties window and clicking theDevice Manager tab as described in the " Setup" section ofthis manual. If there is a conflict, it may be possible to re-solve it from the Device Manager, or it may be necessary toset jumpers on the board. Follow the instructions in themanual for the SCSI adapter.Software checklist* Does your computer system satisfy the requirements givenin "Parts and Accessories" in this manual and in the User'sGuide?* Is the software installed correctly?Installation instructions are given in the User's Guide and thesoftware reference manual.As a last resort, it may be necessary to reinstall the scannersoftware. Follow the instructions for de-installation given in thesoftware reference manual for your platform, then restart yourcomputer and reinstall the software as instructed in the FastTrack Guide or software reference manual.In the case of IBM PC/AT compatibles, it may be necessary toreinstall the drivers for the SCSI board. To do so, click the MyComputer icon with the right mouse button and select Prop-erties from the menu that appears. This will open the SystemProperties window. Click the Device Manager tab and selectyour SCSI adapter from under the list of SCSI controllers (ifyour adapter is not listed, check whether there is a SCSI con-troller listed under "Other Devices" category and if so, select itinstead). Click the Remove button at the bottom of theSystem Properties window and select OK in the window thatappears. If a message appears stating that it is not clear whetherthe device can be removed safely, click Test. Uninstall thescanner software as described in the Window's software refer-ence manual, then power down the computer. After ensuringthat all SCSI devices, including the scanner, are off, turn on yourcomputer and start Windows. After installing the driver soft-ware for the SCSI adapter as described in the manufacturer'smanual, follow the steps given in the Fast Track and user'sguides to set up your scanner and reinstall the scanner software.