SR-G10001の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全142ページ 15.06MB]
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255 254Application for Employment1-2, Kakinokizaka 3 chomeMeguroku, Tokyo 152March 9, 1982A Motors Corporation4-5 KashimadaSaiwaiku, Kawasaki 211Gentlemen:I would like to have you consider my application for the position of research engineer whichyou advertised in theMarch 8 issue of the Japan Times.I am a graduate of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology at Tokyo University andhave a doctor's degree by completing graduate studies. The details of my education andexperience are given on the enclosed RESUME, but I emphasize here that my major is onthe performance and motion of torque converter and transmission, making several treatisesand Japanese translations from American SAE journals. I am also a member of JapanSociety of Automotive Engineering.I am anxious to work for a automotive company and I would be happy if I could have apersonal interview at your convenience.Sincerely yours,(Signature)Ichiro HondaEnclosure: RESUMERESUMEName: Ichiro HONDA 本田 一郎Date of Birth: July 4, 1953(Age:28)Present Address: 3-1-2, Kakinokizaka,Meguroku, Tokyo 152Phone No. 718-3456Education:1975-81 Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University 1975 Graduatedfrom Faculty of Technology,T.U. 1973 Completed general and preparatory course of theabove 1971 Graduated Kaisei High School Extracurricular Activities: Athletic, track and field100 meter dash: 11.6 seconds in High School 11.3 seconds in preparatory course, T.U.Work Experience: 1981-82 An assistant researcher of automotive engineering under Pro-fessor Dr. K. Uchiyama, Production Engineering Laboratory, Tokyo University. Personal第六章 応募文、履歴書及び推薦状、紹介状の例文