SR-G9003NH3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全202ページ 15.35MB]
SR-G9003_SL903XR.pdf - 15.35MB
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202page / 15.35MB
397 396Explanation of the keysTurns the power on and off.Activates example sentence or idiom search function.Activates example sentence search from Japanese function.Changes the style of the explanation/translation screen.Activates double search function.Changes the style of the screen.Changes the size of the characters displayed on the screen.Activates the history function.Scrolls the screen in the order of the headword list.Scrolls the screen one page at a time.Adds the displayed headword to the word book.Deletes the word from the word book.Register the dictionary as the favorite dictionary.Deletes a single character entry at a time.Deletes the word from the history function.(1~2) Selects the dictionary mode which you registered.Selects the contents in the SD CARD / SILUCA RED CARD(option).Used either as a hyphen or as a macron for long vowels.Marks or unmarks a check sign in a check box.(?) Substitutes for a single letter when you are uncertain ofa spelling. (*) Used instead of two or more letters if youdon't know how to spell a word. (&) Breaks between two ormore sequences of characters.Cursor moves up and down.Screen moves one line at a time.Cursor moves to left or right.Scrolls the screen one page at a time.Determines the headword and displays the explanation ortranslation.Executes after the functions has been determined.Reads out the headwords or English words.Returns to the previous screen or mode.Jumps to headwords related to reference marks and wordscontained in the explanation or translation.Displays example sentences related to words contained inthe explanation or translation.Displays set phrases (English-Japanese, English dictionary)or kanji compounds (Kangorin).Checks the spelling of English words.役だつール テキストビューアー/ Text Viewer MP3プレーヤー/ MP3 Player ファイル管理/ File control 複数辞書一括検索/ Selects the multiple access mode 日本語キーワード例文検索 Selects the function of the example sentence search from Japanese. 例文・成句検索 Activates example sentence or idiom search function. マルチ例文検索 Selects the function of the example sentence search with search option. 電卓/ Selects the calculator function . 環境設定/ Selects the basic operational settings . 単語帳管理/ Selects the card word book control . 著作権表示/ Selects the display of copyright . ユーザー情報/ Selects the user information function .単語帳 You can keep up to 1,000 words and example sentences.凡 例 The unit can show the explanatory notes for the dictionaries.