830SHの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全253ページ 8.27MB]
http://broadband.mb.softbank.jp/.../830sh_en_instruction.pdf - 8.27MB
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253page / 8.27MB
0Handy Extras88-35Additional FunctionsDoc./Rec. Tools 24[Barcode/Scan Menu] P.8-22 [Barcode Scan Results Window] P.8-22 [Scanned Text Window] P.8-25[ Pasting All Scan Results[ Pasting a Part of Scan Results[ Dialing Numbers[ Sending Messages. When MAIL TO: appears in scan results, press % to enter the items underlined with a dotted line automatically in Composition window.[ Accessing Internet Sites. Select a file and press B to rename files, open properties or delete files.. Some files may not open.. If Wallpaper Display options appear, follow onscreen prompts.Scan BarcodeG Scanning during Text EntryIn a text entry window, B S e Scan S % S e Scan Code S % S Frame barcode in center of Display S % S %In a text entry window, B S e Scan S % S e Scan Code S % S Frame barcode in center of Display S % S B S g Select first character S % S g Highlight text range S %G Reading Saved Barcode Images[Barcode/Scan Menu] e Open Barcode S % S g Select file S %Scan TextG Scanning during Text EntryIn a text entry window, B S e Scan S % S e Text Scanner S % S Frame text in center of Display S % S e Select line S % S %Scan ResultsG Using Linked Info[Barcode Scan Results Window]/[Scanned Text Window] e Select number S % S ![Barcode Scan Results Window]/[Scanned Text Window] e Select mail address S % S Complete message S A[Barcode Scan Results Window]/[Scanned Text Window] e Select URL S %G Saving Scan Results[Barcode Scan Results Window]/[Scanned Text Window] B S e Save S %G Opening Saved Scan Results[Barcode/Scan Menu] e Scanned Results S % S e Select file S %G Using Images as Wallpaper[Barcode Scan Results Window] e Select image S B S e Set as Wallpaper S % S %