830SHの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全253ページ 8.27MB]
http://broadband.mb.softbank.jp/.../830sh_en_instruction.pdf - 8.27MB
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253page / 8.27MB
Calling33-14Emergency CallsYour location is automatically reported to the corresponding agency (police, etc.) when you place emergency calls (110, 119 or 118) with SoftBank 3G handsets. (Emergency Location Report) 830SH reports Location Information based on positioning signals from radio stations..Registration/transmission fees do not apply.. Positioning accuracy is affected by location/signal conditions. Always provide your location and purpose on the phone.. Location Information is not reported when emergency calls are placed without Caller ID (such as when the number is prefixed with 184 ). However, the corresponding agency may obtain your Location Information in a life threatening situation.. Not available during international roaming.Emergency calls are possible even while some handset restrictions are active.Emergency CallsHandset Restrictions & Emergency CallsActive RestrictionEmergency CallsMax CostPossibleFunction Lock (P.10-2) Outgoing Calls Offline Mode (P.1-15)RestrictedKeypad Lock (P.1-13) PIN Entry (P.10-2)