830SHの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全253ページ 8.27MB]
http://broadband.mb.softbank.jp/.../830sh_en_instruction.pdf - 8.27MB
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253page / 8.27MB
Messaging44-3MessagingChange alphanumerics before @ of the default handset mail address.For more information, see SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. Website ( P.13-21 ).1B S e Settings S %2e Address Settings S % . Handset connects to the Internet. Select English and press % , then follow onscreen instructions.When handset address is changed, SoftBank sends new address co nfirmation via S! Mail.To save new address to My Details, follow these steps. (New address is effective even if not saved.)1e Message S %2e Information S %3e Yes S %4ACustomizing Handset AddressChanging AddressSaving Address