830SHの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全253ページ 8.27MB]
http://broadband.mb.softbank.jp/.../830sh_en_instruction.pdf - 8.27MB
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253page / 8.27MB
Handy Extras88-9Calculator1% S g Tools S % S In PIM/LifestyleTools menu, e Calculator S %Calculator Window2Use Keypad to enter digits S Calculate. Clear Memory before starting new Memory calculations.3" S Calculator endsUsing CalculatorKey Assignments+ (Add) c - (Subtract) d x (Multiply) a ÷ (Divide) b = (Sum) % C.CE (Clear) $ CM (Clear Memory) & RM (Recall Memory) ! M+ (Add to Memory) A . (Decimal) ( +/- (Positive/Negative Value) # % (Percentage) ' Memory Calculation. Numbers saved in Memory are cleared when handset power is turned off.Incoming Calls. Calculations are not affected. End the call to return to Calculator.Using % FunctionUse ' to find definite percentage of a known value.Example: Calculate 30% of 800,000Enter 800,000 S x S 30 S %, 240,000 appears.Advanced0( Copying Calculation Results ( Changing Exchange Rate for Currency Conversion ( Converting Currencies ( P.8-30 )