CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全33ページ 2.80MB]
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2012. SETUPCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:454PHONE1 Press the "MENU" button on theRemote Touch. (See "Remote Touch"on page 10.)2 Select "Setup" on the "Menu" screen.3 Select "Bluetooth*" on the "Setup"screen.4 Select "Connect Portable Player" .5 Select the desired portable player to beconnected. The indicator of the selected portableplayer will turn on.6 This screen is displayed.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc.SELECTING PORTABLE PLAYERIf more than 1 portable player has beenregistered, it is necessary to select whichportable player to connect to.It is possible to select from up to 5 regis-tered Bluetooth(R) devices (Phones(HFP) and portable players (AVP)(maximum of 5) can be registered.)Although up to 5 portable players canbe registered in the system, only 1 porta-ble player can function at a time. If the desired portable player is not on thelist, select "Add New" to register the por-table player. (See page 196.) The currently connected portableplayer's screen button will have aBluetooth(R) mark displayed on it. If thecurrently connected portable player'sscreen button is selected, the portableplayer can be disconnected. Select "Yes"to disconnect.
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