CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全21ページ 0.30MB]
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7016Vehicle specificationsCT200h_U (OM76040U)6-2. CustomizationCustomizable featuresCustomizing vehicle featuresIt is possible to customize certain vehicle features using the "DISP"switch.When customizing vehicle features, ensu re that the vehicle is parked in asafe place with the shift position in P and the parking brake set.Press the "DISP" switch to displaythe "SETTINGS" screen while thevehicle is stopped, and then pressand hold the "DISP" switch to dis-play the customize mode screen.Your vehicle includes a variety of elec tronic features that can be personal-ized to suit your preferences. Programming these preferences requiresspecialized equipment and may be performed by your Lexus dealer.It is also possible to customize certain vehicle features yourself using the"DISP" switch and the navigation screen.For instructions on customizing vehicle features using the navigation screen,refer to the "Navigation System Owner's Manual".Some function settings are changed simultaneously with other functionsbeing customized. Contact your Lexus dealer for further details.STEP 1
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