CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全23ページ 0.27MB]
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TELEPHONE AND INFORMATION149You can call using the latest call historyitem.1. Push of the steering wheel to dis-play the Phone screen.2. Push of the steering wheel to dis-play the Call History screen.3. Push of the steering wheel to se-lect the latest history item.4. Select or push of the steer-ing wheel to call the latest history item. When you call by phonebook, thename (if registered) is displayed. When you call the same numbercontinuously, only the newest numberis registered. When a phone number registered inthe phonebook is received, the nameand the number are displayed. Number−withheld calls are also mem-orized in the system. International phone calls may not bemade depending on the cellular phonewhich you have. By voice recognitionYou can call by giving a command. (Forthe operation and command of voicerecognition, see Voice command sys-tem on page 51.)This can be operated while driving.The Dial by Name operating procedure isexplained here.Other operating procedures are also simi-lar.
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