CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全5ページ 0.82MB]
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92What to do if...CT200h_QG_U (OM76016U)nStarting the hybrid systemDepress the brake pedal.Touch the Lexus emblem side of theelectronic key to the "POWER" switch. If any of the doors is opened orclosed while the key is being touchedto the switch, an alarm will sound toindicate that the start function cannotdetect the electronic key.To change "POWER" switch modes:Within 10 seconds of the buzzer sound-ing, release the brake pedal and pressthe "POWER" switch. Modes can bechanged each time the switch is pressed. To start the hybrid system: Press the"POWER" switch within 10 secondsof the buzzer sounding, keeping thebrake pedal depressed.In the event that the hybrid system still ca nnot be operated, contact your Lexus dealer.If the electronic key battery becomes depleted , replace it with a new battery. For instruc-tions on replacing the battery, refer to the Ow ner's Manual. If you need further assistance,contact your Lexus dealer.
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