GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Step 3If your concern has still not beenresolved to your satisfaction, Lexusoffers additional assistance through:National Center for DisputeSettlement (NCDS)P.O. Box 457Mt. Clemens, MI 48046(866) 272-4872Important: You must use NCDS priorto exercising rights or seeking reme-dies available to you through a courtaction pursuant to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. In addition, youmust use NCDS if you are required todo so prior to exercising certain rightsor seeking certain remedies availableunder the Lemon Laws of your state.See the Lemon Law Guidefor specificrequirements applicable in your state. However, if your state law permits andif you choose to exercise rights andseek remedies that are not created bythe Act, you need not use NCDS.NCDS ArbitrationWhat is the Dispute SettlementProgram?This program consists of local profes-sionals who are trained and experi-enced in arbitration. The arbitrator(s)appointed by NCDS will arbitrateyour case by reviewing the facts youpresent; having the vehicle inspected,if necessary; and promptly renderinga fair and equitable decision.How much will it cost?The service is provided at no cost to you. It is part of Lexus’ effort topromptly and equitably resolve yourconcerns. The decision-maker is animpartial third party. The decision ofthe arbitrator(s) is binding on Lexusbut not on you.Introduction10IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEWARRANTY2013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:05 PM Page 10
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