GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Emission Defect WarrantyLexus warrants that your vehicle:•Was designed, built andequipped to conform at the timeof sale with applicable federalemissions standards.•Is free from defects in materialsand workmanship that maycause the vehicle to fail to meetthese standards.Federal regulations require that thiswarranty be in effect for two years or24,000 miles from the vehicle’s in-service date, whichever occurs first.However, under the terms of the BasicWarranty, Lexus provides coverage of four years or 50,000 miles, which-ever occurs first. Specific componentsmay have longer coverage under theterms of the Powertrain Warranty.Additionally, components marked“8/80” in the parts list on pages23–24 have coverage of eight yearsor 80,000 miles, whichever occursfirst.Emission PerformanceWarrantySome states and localities have estab-lished vehicle inspection and mainte-nance (I/M) programs to encourageproper vehicle maintenance. If anEPA-approved I/M program is inforce in your area, you are eligible for Emission Performance Warrantycoverage.Under the terms of the EmissionPerformance Warranty and federalregulations, Lexus will make all nec-essary repairs if both of the followingoccur:•Your vehicle fails to meet appli-cable emissions standards asdetermined by an EPA-approvedemissions test.•This failure results or will result insome penalty to you — such as afine or denial of the right to useyour vehicle — under local, stateor federal law.This warranty is in effect for two yearsor 24,000 miles from the vehicle’s in-service date, whichever occursfirst. Additionally, componentsmarked “8/80” in the parts list onpages 23–24 have coverage of eightyears or 80,000 miles, whicheveroccurs first.WHAT IS COVERED AND HOW LONGYour Warranties in Detail22FEDERAL EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTY2013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:14 PM Page 22
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