GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Quality ControlYou may have noticed a few miles onthe odometer when you took deliveryof your Lexus. This mileage is a resultof the comprehensive process used toensure the quality of your vehicle. Thisprocess includes extensive inspec-tions during and after production. Thefinal inspection takes place at the sell-ing dealership and includes a road-test conducted by a trained Lexustechnician.If you’d like to know more aboutLexus quality-control procedures, aska Lexus dealership service consultant.Vehicle Service HistoryWhen you have your vehicle servicedat a Lexus dealership, your serviceinformation is recorded in the LexusNational Service History database.This is the first database of its kind inthe automotive industry. It can beaccessed by any Lexus dealership inthe United States — a great conven-ience if you relocate or need to haveyour vehicle serviced while traveling. Vehicle Service AgreementsIf you plan to keep your vehicle forseveral years or if you accumulatemileage quickly, you may want to pur-chase a Lexus vehicle service agree-ment. These agreements cover thecost of specific repairs beyond thefactory warranty period. They alsocover services such as towing, substi-tute transportation and lodging tominimize your inconvenience shouldyour vehicle require repair. Lexusvehicle service agreements are avail-able with a variety of coverageoptions. A Lexus dealership salesconsultant can help you select theplan that’s best for you.Body RepairsIf you’re involved in a collision, youwant your vehicle to be returned to its pre-accident condition whenrepaired. That’s why it is important tomake sure repairs are made only withGenuine Lexus Parts. Some repairshops and insurance companies maysuggest using imitation or salvagedparts to save money. However, theseparts do not meet Lexus’ high stan-dards for quality, fit and corrosionresistance. In addition, imitation andsalvaged parts (and any damage orfailures they may cause) are not cov-ered by any Lexus warranty.The best way to ensure that your vehi-cle is repaired with Genuine LexusParts is to take it to a Lexus dealer-ship. Each dealership works withselected collision repair centers thatmeet Lexus’ strict requirements forOther Benefits and AssistanceOTHER BENEFITS AND ASSISTANCEAMENITIES72013 GS 350_1-8a 11/18/11 6:20 PM Page 7
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