GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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7157-2. Steps to take in an emergencyGS350_U (OM30C34U)7When trouble arisesAfter taking the specified steps to co rrect the suspected problem, checkthat the warning message and light go off.Have the malfunction repaired immediately.InteriorbuzzerExteriorbuzzerWarning message DetailsCorrection procedureOnce ⎯The electronic keyis not detectedwhen an attempt ismade to start theengine.Start theengine withthe elec-tronic keypresent.Once3timesThe electronic keywas carried out-side the vehicle anda door other thanthe driver's doorwas opened andclosed while theengine switch wasin a mode otherthan off.Bring theelectronickey backinto thevehicle.The driver's doorwas opened andclosed while theelectronic key wasnot in the vehicle,the shift lever was inP and the engineswitch was notturned off.Turn theengineswitch off orbring theelectronickey backinto thevehicle.(Flashes)(Flashes)
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