
GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全8ページ 0.28MB]

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5No. Name Function Page1North−up orheading−upsymbolThis symbol indicates a map view withnorth−up or heading−up. Touching thissymbol changes the map orientation.372Scale indicator This figure indicates the map scale. 353"MAP/VOICE"buttonPush this button to repeat a voice guid-ance, cancel one touch scroll, startguidance, and display the current posi-tion.28, 704"DEST" buttonPush this button to display the "Destina-tion" screen.7, 9, 11, 12,40, 415"MENU" buttonPush this button to display the "Menu"screen.86, 88, 89, 90,93, 106, 205Quick guide -- Overview buttons and guidance screen


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  • 1 .
    5No. Name Function Page1N...
    5No. Name Function Page1North−up orheading−upsymbolThis symbol indicates a map view withnorth−up or heading−up. Touching thissymbol changes the map orientation.372Scale indicator This figure indicates the map scale. 353"MAP/VOICE"buttonPush this button to...
  • 2 .
    6No. Name Function Page6Z...
    6No. Name Function Page6Zoom outtouch−screenbuttonTouch this button to reduce the mapscale.357"Mark"Touch this button to register the currentposition or the cursor position as amemory point.308"Route" Touch this button to change the route. 72, 749"Map View...
  • 3 .
    705UGX03a0U5057L0U5058L1U5060L1 Push "DEST" button.2Touch .If home has not been registered, you canregister it by touching .3 There are 11 different methods tosearch your home.See "Destination search" on page 41.4 Touch "Enter".The "Memory Point" sc...
  • 4 .
    80U5036L5 Touch "OK".Regi...
    80U5036L5 Touch "OK".Registration of home is complete.You can also register home by touchingthe "MENU" button. (See " - Registeringhome" on page 100.)You can change the icon, quick access,name, location and phone number. (See" - Editing memory points" on...
  • 5 .
    905UGX03a0U5059L0U5060L0U5061L1 Push "DEST" button.2 Touch one of the quick accessbuttons.You can set a memory point to one of thequick access buttons which has not beenset.3 There are 12 different methods tosearch a preset memory point.See "Destination se...
  • 6 .
    100U5062L5 Touch "OK".Reg...
    100U5062L5 Touch "OK".Registration of the preset memory point iscomplete.You can also register preset destinationsby touching the "MENU" button. (See " -Registering memory points" on page 94.)You can change the icon, quick access,name, location and phone ...
  • 7 .
    111U5046bL1U5040aL1 Push ...
    111U5046bL1U5040aL1 Push "DEST" button.2 There are 13 different methods tosearch destinations.See "Destination search" on page 41.3 Touch "Enter".The navigation system performs a searchfor the route.4 Touch "Guide", and start driving.Routes other than the ...
  • 8 .
    121U5061L1U5040aL1 Push "...
    121U5061L1U5040aL1 Push "DEST" button.2Touch .The can be used if your home hasbeen registered. (To register "Home", see" - Registering home" on page 100.)3 Touch "Enter".The navigation system performs a searchfor the route.4 Touch "Guide", and st...