HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.21MB]
2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2012 Lexus HS250h WSG FINAL.pdf - 1.21MB
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82page / 1.21MB
If a Lexus dealership is unable tocomplete repairs on your vehiclewithin 30 days, you may have therepairs made under Lexus' provisionsfor emergency warranty repairs. Seepage 37 for details.If you have questions or concernsabout your vehicle's California emis-sion warranty coverage, please followthe steps described on pages 9-10.You may also request informationfrom or report complaints to:California Air Resources BoardMobile Source Control DivisionP.O. Box 8001El Monte, CA 91734-8001(800)242-4450IF YOU HAVEQUESTIONS REPAIR DELAYSYour Warranties in Detail 33CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTY2012 HS250h_9-38b:Layout 1 9/2/11 2:22 PM Page 33
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