HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全26ページ 1.10MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: DESTINATION SEARCH80To search POIs near the searchpointWhen the search point is set, the "POICategory" screen will be displayed.U2073LCSelect the desired POI category.If the desired POI category is not on thescreen, select "List All Categories" to listall POI categories.U2039LCSelect the desired POI category fromthe list.U2079LCBy selecting the button of the desired item,the screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See "Starting routeguidance" on page 89.)(c) Search by "Phone #"1. Push the "MENU" button on the Re-mote Touch, then select "Destination".2. Select "Point of Interest" on the"Destination" screen.3. Select "Phone #" on the "Point of In-terest" screen.U2042LC4. Input a telephone number.5. After inputting a telephone number,select "OK".The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute preference. (See "Starting routeguidance" on page 89.)If there is more than one site with the samenumber, the following screen will be dis-played.U2043LC
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