HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全38ページ 1.02MB]
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NAVIGATION SYSTEM: BASIC FUNCTIONS48COMPASS MODECurrent vehicle position is indicated with acompass.While on a different screen, selecting will display the compassmode screen.U1035LCInformation about the destination and cur-rent position, as well as a compass, is dis-played on the screen.The destination mark is displayed in the di-rection of the destination. When driving re-fer to the longitude and latitude coordi-nates, and the compass, to make sure thatyour vehicle is headed in the direction ofthe destination.INFORMATIONWhen the vehicle travels out of thecoverage area, the guidance screenchanges to the compass modescreen.U1036LCSelect or to change the scaleof the map display. The scale bar and indi-cator at the bottom of the screen indicatesthe map scale menu. The scale range is150 feet (50 m) to 250 miles (400 km).Select or until the scale barchanges normally. By continuing to selectthe button, the scale bar changes smooth-ly.The scale of the map display can bechanged by selecting the scale bar direct-ly. It is not available while driving.The map scale is displayed under thenorth−up symbol or heading −up symbol atthe top left of the screen.INFORMATIONPush the "" button on theRemote Touch to zoom in on themap screen and "" to zoom out.When the map scale is at the maxi-mum range of 250 miles (400 km), is not shown. When the mapscale is at the minimum range of150 feet (50 m), is not shown.In areas where the foot print map isavailable the map scale changesfrom to when at theminimum range.- Map scale
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