HSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全21ページ 1.16MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_2-3.pdf - 1.16MB
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21page / 1.16MB
2012-3. Operating the lights and windshield wipers2When drivingNOTICE■Limitations of the Automatic High BeamDo not rely on the Automatic High Beam . Always drive safely, taking care to observe your surroundings and turning high beam on or off manually if necessary.■Notes when using the Automatic High Beam system●Do not touch the camera sensor.●Do not subject the inside rear view mirror or the camera sensor to a strong impact.●Do not disassemble the camera sensor.●Do not spill liquid onto the inside rear view mirror or the camera sensor.●Do not apply window tinting or stickers to the camera sensor or the area of wind-shield near the camera sensor.●Do not place items on the dashboard. There is a possibility that the camera sensor will mistake items reflected in the windshield for streetlights, the headlights of other vehicles, etc.●Do not install a parking tag or any other accessories near or around the inside rear view mirror and the camera sensor.●Do not overload the vehicle.●Do not modify the vehicle.●Do not replace windshield wi th non-genuine windshield. Contact your Lexus dealer.Observe the following to ensure that the Automatic High Beam functions correctly.
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