ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全40ページ 0.64MB]
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3625-2. Steps to take in an emergencyIf the vehicle battery is dischargedThe following procedures may be used to start the engine if the vehicle'sbattery is discharged.You can call your Lexus dealer, Roadside Assistance or Lexus CustomerService Assistance.If you have a set of jumper (or booster) cables and a second vehiclewith a 12-volt battery, you can jump start your Lexus following the stepsbelow.Remove the engine compartment covers. ( → P. 263)Connecting the jumper cables.If required, remove all vent plugs from the booster battery. Lay acloth over the open vents on the booster battery. (This helps reducethe explosion hazard, personal injuries and burns.)Positive (+) battery terminal on your vehiclePositive (+) battery terminal on the second vehicleNegative (-) battery terminal on the second vehicleConnect the jumper cable to ground on your vehicle as shown in theillustration.Start the engine of the second vehicle. Increase the enginespeed slightly and maintain at that level for approximately 5minutes to recharge the battery of your vehicle.Open and close any of the doors with the engine switch OFF.STEP 1STEP 2STEP 3STEP 4
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