SCの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全32ページ 0.17MB]
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EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 69Brake Pads, Calipers and RotorsCheck brake pads and rotors forexcessive wear; check brake rotorsfor runout. Check brake calipers forfluid leakage. Check the parkingbrake linings (shoes) and drums forscoring, burning, fluid leakage, brokenparts and excessive wear. Some mod-els are equipped with directionalrotors. When servicing these rotors,reinstall at same location. A qualifiedtechnician should perform theseoperations. See inside front cover for additional brake information. Differential OilInspect each differential componentfor signs of leakage. If you discoverany leakage, haveit repaired immedi-ately by a qualified technician. Referto your Owner's Manualfor fluidspecifications. For ISF, replace reardifferential oil at specified intervals.Drive BeltInspect for cracks, excessive wearand oiliness. Check the belt tensionand adjust if necessary. Replace thebelt if it is damaged.Engine Air FilterCheck for damage, excessive wearand oiliness. Replace if necessary.Engine CoolantWhen inspecting, visually check the engine coolant level on the see-through reservoir. Add coolant asnecessary. When replacing, drain and flush the cooling system and refillwith coolant. Always use Genuine Toyota Super Long-Life Coolant orsimilar high-qualitynon-silicate, non-amine, non-nitrate, non-borate ethyl-ene-glycol coolant with long-lifehybrid organic acid technology (i.e., acombination of low phosphates andorganic acids). Check that the radia-tor is not blocked with leaves, dirtorinsects and clean if necessary. Alsocheck the hose connections for cor-rosion and condition of installation. Aqualified technician should performthese operations.Note:Initial replacement is at 120months/100,000 miles. Replaceevery 60 months/50,000 milesthereafter.2010 Lexus Sedans_48-80d 7/21/09 1:58 AM Page 69