MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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104CARING FOR YOUR VEHICLE Care of special parts > Light-alloy wheels*:Use wheel cleaner especially during the winter months, but do not use any ag-gressive, acidic, strong alkali or rough cleansers or steam jets above 140 7 /60 6 . Observe the manufacturer's in-structions> Chrome parts* such as bonnet grill, door handles, etc.:Especially if exposed to road salt, care-fully clean these parts with plenty of water and possibly with a shampoo addi-tive. For additional treatment, use chrome polish> Rubber parts:Treat only with water or rubber care productsDo not use silicon sprays or other silicon-containing care products, otherwise noise and damage could occur. <> Plastic parts, imitation leather surfaces, headliner, lamp glass, covering glass for the display elements, as well as matt black molded parts:Clean with water and, if necessary, plas-tic care products. Do not dampen seats and the headliner. Never use solvents such as lacquer thin-ner, heavy-duty grease remover, fuel or similar> Wood paneling*:Please clean wood paneling and other wood parts only with a damp cloth. Dry off with a soft cloth> Safety belts:Only clean using mild soap, leaving the belts fitted. Do not dry clean, as the fabric can be destroyed.Always roll up safety belts only when dry. Dirty safety belts prevent unrolling and thus negatively affect safety> Floor carpets and floor mats*:If heavily soiled, clean using interior cleaner. Floor mats can be removed to allow the interior to be cleaned> Wiper blades:Clean with soapy water. Replace wiper blades twice a year, before and after the cold season. This is particularly impor-tant on vehicles fitted with a rain sensor.
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