MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全152ページ 1.43MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.43MB
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111OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATION CONTROLS DATA INDEXWIPER BLADES LAMPS AND BULBS Rear window wiper 1. Rotate the wiper arm completely out from the windshield2. Turn the wiper blade as far as it will go to the rear, see arrow3. Press the wiper blade against the limit and thus out of the mounting4. Press the new wiper blade into the mounting.Lamps and bulbs are an important compo-nent of vehicle safety. Therefore, proceed carefully when handling bulbs. The manu-facturer of your MINI recommends that you have such work performed by your MINI Dealer if you are not familiar with the pro-cedures.Do not touch the glass portion of a new bulb with your bare hands since even small amounts of impurities burn into the surface and reduce the service life of the bulb. Use a clean cloth, paper napkin, or similar material, or hold the bulb by its metallic base. <A replacement bulb set is available at your MINI Dealer.Whenever working on the electrical system, switch off the electrical accessory you are working on or disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery. Failure to do this could result in short circuits.To prevent injuries and damage, comply with any instructions provided by the bulb manufacturer. <
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