MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全176ページ 2.40MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 2.40MB
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77OVERVIEW REPAIRS OPERATION CONTROLS DATA INDEXTIRE PRESSURE MONITOR*Message for low tire inflation pressureThe warning lamp lights up in yel-low. An acoustic signal also sounds. A flat tire or a severe loss in pres-sure has occurred in one or more tires.1. Reduce speed and stop the vehicle with caution. Avoid hard brake applications and steering maneuvers.2. Identify the damaged wheel or wheels.If this cannot be determined, con-tact your MINI Dealer. <3. Replace the damaged wheel, refer to Wheel change on page 139 .4. Check the tire inflation pressure and cor-rect it if necessary.The compact wheel is not equipped with the necessary TPM electronics and is not monitored after it is mounted. When driv-ing with a compact wheel, the system indi-cates that a malfunction is occurring.Vehicles with Run Flat tires:1. Reduce vehicle speed carefully to under 50mph/80km/h. Avoid hard brake applications and steering maneuvers. Do not exceed a speed of 50mph/ 80km/h.Do not continue driving if the vehi-cle is not equipped with Run Flat tires, refer to page 115 . If you continue to drive with a flat tire, a serious acci-dent could result. <2. Check the tire inflation pressure in all four tires at the earliest opportunity.If the tire inflation pressure is cor-rect in all four tires, it is possible that the Tire Pressure Monitor was not initialized. In this case, initialize the sys-tem. <3. If there is a total loss of tire inflation pressure, 0psi/0 kPa, or obvious tire damage, you can gauge the mileage for continued driving on the basis of the fol-lowing indications:> With a light load:1 to 2 persons without luggage:approx. 155 miles/250km> With a medium load:2 persons, luggage compartment full, or 4 persons without luggage:approx. 90miles/150 km> With a full load:4 or more persons, luggage compart-ment full:ca. 30miles/50 km.Drive cautiously. Do not exceed a speed of 50mph/ 80km/h. In case of tire pressure loss you must expect changes in vehicle handling such as lower track sta-bility during braking, longer braking dis-tances and changes in self-steering proper-ties when close to the handling limit.For safety reasons, the manufacturer of your MINI recommends not having dam-aged Run Flat tires repaired, but to consult a MINI Dealer in such cases. <MalfunctionThe yellow warning lamp flashes and then lights up permanently. No punctures can be detected.This type of message is shown in the fol-lowing situations:> If there is a malfunctionHave the system checked.> If a wheel without TPM electronics is mounted, e.g. a compact wheel.
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