MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全269ページ 8.83MB]
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Giving and receiving assistance MOBILITY 235Body ground in MINI:6.Attach the second terminal clamp of the minus/- jumper cable to the negative termi-nal of the battery or to the engine or body ground of the vehicle to be started.Starting the engine1.Start the engine of the donor vehicle and allow it to run for a few minutes at slightly increased idle speed.2.Start the engine of the other vehicle in the usual manner. If the first start attempt is not successful, wait a few minutes be fore another attempt in order to allow the discharged battery to recharge.3.Let the engines run for a few minutes.4.Disconnect the jumper cables by reversing the above connecting sequence.If necessary, have the battery checked and recharged.Never use spray fluids to start the engine.<Tow-starting, towing awayObserve the applicable laws and regula-tions for tow-starting and towing vehi-cles.<Do not transport an y passengers other than the driver in a vehicle that is being towed.<Using a tow fittingThe screw-in tow fitting must always be carried in the car. It can be screwed in at the front or rear of the MINI.It is stored in the toolkit in the cargo area under-neath the cover on the right-hand side, page219.Use only the tow fitting provided with the vehicle and screw it all the way in. Use the tow fitting for towing on paved roads only. Avoid lateral loading of the tow fitting, e.g. do not lift the vehicle by the tow fitting. Otherwise, the tow fitting and the vehicle could be damaged. <Access to screw threadPush out the cover of the towing eye out of the recess in the bumper.FrontMINI: rearJohn Cooper Works with aerodynamic bumper:
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