MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Calling a contactSymbol MeaningContact with one stored phone num‐ber.Contact with more than one storedphone number.Call not possible; mobile phone with‐out reception or network.For contacts with one stored phone number:select the required contact. The connection isbeing established.For contacts with more than one stored phonenumber: select the required contact and thephone number. The connection is being estab‐lished.Editing a contactChanging the entries in "Contacts". When acontact is changed, the changes are not storedon the mobile phone. A copy of the entry isstored in the vehicle.1. Highlight the contact.2.Open "Options".3."Edit entry"The contact can be edited.RedialingGeneral informationThe list of dialed numbers in the mobile phoneis transmitted to the vehicle depending on themobile phone. Possibly only those numbers aredisplayed that were dialed from the vehicle.The 20 phone numbers dialed last are dis‐played. The sorting order of the phone num‐bers depends on the particular mobile phone.Dialing a number on the onboardmonitor1. "Telephone"2. "Redial"3. Select the desired entry and the phonenumber if necessary.The connection is established.Deleting a single entry or all entriesThe deletion of entries depends on your partic‐ular mobile phone.1. Highlight the entry.2. Open "Options".3. "Delete entry" or "Delete list"Saving an entry in the contacts1. Highlight the entry.2.Open "Options".3."Store as new contact" or "Add to existingcontact"4.Select the contact if necessary.5.Select the type of number: "Home","Business", "Mobile" or "Other"6.Complete the entries if necessary.7."Store contact"Received callsDisplaying callsThe list of received calls on the mobile phone istransmitted to the vehicle, depending on theparticular mobile phone. It is possible that onlySeite 188CommunicationBluetooth hands-free system188Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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