MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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Conform to Federal Safety RequirementsAll passenger car tires must conform toFederal Safety Requirements in addition tothese grades. ◀TreadwearThe treadwear grade is a comparative ratingbased on the wear rate of the tire when testedunder controlled conditions on a specified gov‐ernment test course. For example, a tire graded150 would wear one and one-half (1 1/2) timesas well on the government course as a tiregraded 100. The relative performance of tiresdepends upon the actual conditions of theiruse, however, and may depart significantlyfrom the norm due to variations in driving hab‐its, service practices and differences in roadcharacteristics and climate.TractionThe traction grades, from highest to lowest, areAA, A, B, and C.Those grades represent the tire’s ability to stopon wet pavement as measured under control‐led conditions on specified government testsurfaces of asphalt and concrete. A tire markedC may have poor traction performance.The traction grade assigned to this tire is basedon straight-ahead braking traction tests, anddoes not include acceleration, cornering, hy‐droplaning, or peak traction characteristics.TemperatureThe temperature grades are A, the highest, B,and C, representing the tire’s resistance to thegeneration of heat and its ability to dissipateheat when tested under controlled conditionson a specified indoor laboratory test wheel.Sustained high temperature can cause the ma‐terial of the tire to degenerate and reduce tirelife, and excessive temperature can lead tosudden tire failure. The grade C corresponds toa level of performance which all passenger cartires must meet under the Federal Motor Vehi‐cle Safety Standard No. 109. Grades B and Arepresent higher levels of performance on thelaboratory test wheel than the minimum re‐quired by law.Temperature grade for this tireThe temperature grade for this tire is es‐tablished for a tire that is properly inflated andnot overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla‐tion, or excessive loading, either separately orin combination, can cause heat buildup andpossible tire failure. ◀RSC – Run-flat tiresThe symbol identifying run-flat tires is a circlewith the letters RSC on the sidewall, refer topage 232 .M+SWinter and all-season tires.These have better winter properties thansummer tires.XLDesignation for specially reinforced tires.Tire treadSummer tiresThe tread depth should not be less than0.12 in/3 mm, although European legislation,for example, requires a minimum tread depthof only 0.063 in/1.6 mm. At tread depths lessthan 0.12 in/3 mm, there is a great danger ofhydroplaning even in low water depths and atraised speeds.Winter tiresThe suitability of winter tires for winter drivingis reduced noticeably when their tread depthbecomes less than 0.16 in/4 mm.Seite 229Wheels and tiresMobility229Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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