MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全292ページ 7.05MB]
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The existing call is put on hold.4. Dial the new phone number or select itfrom a list."Return"The call on hold is resumed.Switching between two calls, hold callActive call: highlighted.Call on hold identified by: "on hold...". Select the symbol to change to the call onhold.Establishing a conference callTwo calls can be connected to a single tele‐phone conference call.1. Establish two calls.2. "Conference call"When terminating a conference call, both callsare ended. If one call is terminated by anotherparty, the other call can be continued.DTMF suffix dialingDTMF suffix dialing can be used for gaining ac‐cess to network services or for controlling devi‐ces, e.g., to make a remote inquiry of an an‐swering machine. The DTMF code is needed forthis purpose.1. "Telephone"2. Select the contact from a list or "Dialnumber".3. "Keypad dialing"4. Enter the DTMF code on the onboard moni‐tor.DTMF suffix dialing is not possible during con‐ference calls.Phone bookDisplaysThe phone book accesses the contacts andshows all contacts for which a phone numberhas been stored. The entries can be selected tomake a call.1. "Telephone"2."Phone book"A symbol indicates the storage location of thecontacts.Seite 187Bluetooth hands-free systemCommunication187Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 919 017 - II/13
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