V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingAutomatic gearbox 06164Symbol Display Driving characteristics ActionTRANSM. OVERHEAT BRAKE TOHOLDDifficulty in maintaining even speed at con-stant engine speed.Gearbox overheated. Keep the car station-ary using the foot brakeA.TRANSM. OVERHEAT PARK SAFELYSignificant pulling in the car's traction. Gearbox overheated. Park the car immedi-ately in a safe manner.TRANSM. COOLING LET ENGINE RUNNo drive due to overheated gearbox. Gearbox overheated. For fastest cooling:Run the engine at idling speed with the gearlever in the N or P position until the mes-sage clears.AFor fastest cooling: run the engine at idling speed with the gear lever in the N or P position, until the message clears.NOTEThe table's examples are no indication thatthe car is defective but instead show that asafety function has been activated inten-tionally to prevent damage to one of thecar's components.WARNINGIf a warning symbol combined with the textTRANSM. OVERHEAT PARK SAFELY isignored then the heat in the gearbox maybecome so high that the power transmis-sion between engine and gearbox is tem-porarily halted in order to prevent the clutchfrom malfunctioning - the car then losesdrive and is stationary until gearbox tem-perature has cooled to an acceptable level.For more possible display messages with theirrespective proposals for solutions concerningautomatic transmission, see page 56.A display text clears automatically after theaction has been carried out or after one presson the indicator stalk READ button.
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