V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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07 Wheels and tyresGeneral 07194Driving characteristics and tyresThe tyres greatly affect the car's driving cha-racteristics. The type of tyre, dimensions, tyrepressure and speed rating are important forhow the car performs.When changing tyres, ensure that tyres of thesame type and dimensions, and preferably alsothe same make, are fitted to all four wheels.Follow the recommended tyre pressuresspecified on the tyre pressure label, seepage 198.Designation of dimensionsThe dimensions are stated on all car tyres.Example: 205/55R16 91 W.205 Tyre width (mm)55 Ratio between tyre wall height andtyre width (%)R Radial ply16 Rim diameter in inches (")91 Tyre load index (in this case 615 kg)W Speed rating for maximum permittedspeed (in this case 270 km/h).Speed ratingsThe car is approved as a whole, which meansthat dimensions and speed ratings must notdiffer from those specified on the vehicle reg-istration document. The only exception tothese conditions is winter tyres (both thosewith metal studs and those without). If such atyre is chosen, the car must not be driven fasterthan the speed rating of the tyre (for example,class Q can be driven at a maximum of160 km/h).Remember that traffic regulations determinehow fast a car can be driven, not the speedclass of the tyres.Note! Maximum permitted speeds indicated.Q 160 km/h (used only on winter tyres)T 190 km/hH 210 km/hV 240 km/hW 270 km/hY 300 km/hNew tyresTyres are perishable. After a few years theybegin to harden at the same time as the frictioncapacity/characteristics gradually deteriorate.For this reason, aim to get as fresh tyres aspossible when you replace them. This is espe-cially important with regard to winter tyres. Thelast four digits in the sequence mean the weekand year of manufacture. This is the tyre'sDOT marking (Department of Transportation),and this is stated with four digits, for example1510. The tyre in the illustration was manufac-tured in week 15 of 2010.Tyre ageAll tyres older than six years should be checkedby an expert even if they seem undamaged.
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