V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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07 Wheels and tyresTyre pressure 07198* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Recommended tyre pressureG020791The tyre pressure label on the driver's side doorpillar shows which pressures the tyres shouldhave at different load and speed conditions.•Tyre pressure for the car's recommendedtyre size•ECO pressure1•Spare tyre pressure (Temporary Spare).Checking the tyre pressureCheck the tyre pressure regularly.NOTETyre pressure decreases over time, this is anatural phenomenon. Tyre pressure alsovaries depending on ambient temperature.Even after several kilometres of driving, thetyres warm up and the pressure increases. Soair must not be released if the pressure ischecked when the tyres are warm. While thepressure must be increased if it is too low.Inadequately inflated tyres increase fuel con-sumption, shorten tyre lifespan and impair thecar's roadholding. Driving on tyres with tyrepressure that is too low can also result in thetyres overheating and disintegrating.For information on the correct tyre pressure,refer to the tyre pressure table. The specifiedtyre pressures refer to "cold tyres". ("Coldtyres" means the tyres are the same tempera-ture as the ambient temperature.)Fuel economy, ECO pressureAt speeds under 160 km/h the general tyrepressure for maximum load is recommendedin order to obtain optimum fuel economy.Tyre pressure affects travelling comfort, roadnoise and steering characteristics.DRIVe*An important detail in connection with environ-mentally-conscious driving is to use the righttype of tyres and to drive with the correct airpressure inside them.DimensionsWhen fitting new tyres, the same type andbrand as the car was equipped with from thefactory are recommended - they are designedfor low fuel consumption.The 195/65 R15 and 205/55 R16 dimensionsgenerally provide a slightly lower consumptionthan wider variants.PressureInadequately inflated tyres increase fuel con-sumption. For this reason, check the pressurein the tyres regularly.By using so-called ECO pressure2 fuel con-sumption is minimised. A certain impact on ridecomfort, road noise and steering characteris-tics may be experienced, but this does notaffect safety.See the decal with the recommended tyrepressure adjacent to the driver's door pillar.1ECO pressure results in improved fuel economy.2The pressure that is recommended for maximum load.
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