V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environment Wipers and washing03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.99The rain sensor is automatically deactivatedwhen the remote control key is removed fromthe ignition switch or five minutes after theengine has been switched off.IMPORTANTThe windscreen wipers could start and bedamaged in an automatic car wash. Deac-tivate the rain sensor while the car is runningor the remote control key is in position I orII. The symbol in the combined instrumentpanel and the lamp in the button go out.Washing the headlamps and windowsWashing function.Washing the windscreenMove the stalk switch toward the steeringwheel to start the windscreen and headlampwashers.The windscreen wipers will make several moresweeps and the headlamps are washed oncethe stalk switch has been released.Heated washer nozzles*The washer nozzles are heated automaticallyin cold weather to prevent the washer fluidfreezing solid.High-pressure headlamp washing*High-pressure headlamp washing consumes alarge quantity of washer fluid. To save fluid, theheadlamps are washed automatically at everyfifth windscreen wash cycle.Reduced washingIf only approx. 1 litre of washer fluid remains inthe reservoir and the message that you shouldfill the washer fluid is shown in the combinedinstrument panel's display, then the supply ofwasher fluid to the headlamps is switched off.This is in order to prioritise cleaning the wind-screen and the visibility through it.Wiping and washing the rear windowRear window wiper – intermittent wipingRear window wiper – continuous speedPress the stalk switch forward (see the arrowin the illustration above) to initiate rear windowwashing and wiping.NOTEThe rear window wiper is equipped withoverheating protection which means thatthe motor is switched off if it overheats. Therear window wiper works again after a cool-ing period (30 seconds or longer, dependingon the heat in the motor and the outsidetemperature).
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