V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environment Power sunroof*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.107GeneralThe sunroof controls are located in the roofpanel. The sunroof can be opened vertically atthe rear edge and horizontally. Key position I orII is required for the sunroof to be opened.Horizontal openingG017823Horizontal opening, backward/forward.Opening, automaticOpening, manualClosing, manualClosing, automaticOpeningFor maximum sunroof opening, move the con-trol back to the position for automatic openingand release.Open manually by pulling the control back-wards to the point of resistance for manualopening. The sunroof moves to maximum openposition as long as the button is keptdepressed.ClosingClose manually by pushing the control for-wards to the point of resistance for manualclosing. The sunroof moves to closed positionas long as the button is kept depressed.WARNINGRisk of crushing when sunroof is closed.The sunroof's pinch-protection functiononly operates during automatic closing, notmanual.Close automatically by pressing the control tothe position for automatic closing and thenrelease it.The power supply to the sunroof is switched offby selecting key position 0 and removing theremote control key from the ignition switch.WARNINGIf there are children in the car:Remember to always switch off the powersupply to the sunroof by selecting key posi-tion 0 and then take the remote control keywith you when leaving the car. For informa-tion on key positions - see page 79.Vertical openingG028900Vertical opening, raised at the rear edge.Open by pressing the rear edge of the con-trol upward.Close by pulling the rear edge of the con-trol down.
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