V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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03 Your driving environmentHomeLinkµ * 03142* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.3.Depress the HomeLinkµ button beingprogrammed, hold it depressed for5 seconds and then release it. Repeat ifnecessary until the garage door is acti-vated. If the door is not activated, press theprogrammed HomeLinkµ button and holdit depressed and check the indicator lamp.>Constant glow: The indicator lamp illu-minates with a constant glow when thebutton is kept depressed, this indicatesthat the programming is complete .The garage door, gate or similar shouldnow be activated when the pro-grammed HomeLinkµ button isdepressed.Glow not constant: The indicator lampflashes quickly for approx. 2 secondsand then changes over to a constantglow. In which case, continue with theprogramming steps 4-6 in order to com-plete the programming of a device withrolling code (usually a garage dooropener).4.Locate the "programming button2" on thereceiver for the garage door for example,normally located close to the antenna'sbracket on the receiver.5. Depress and release the receiver's "pro-gramming button". The button flashes forapprox. 30 seconds and the next step mustbe carried out within this period.6. While the receiver's "programming button"is still flashing, press the button onHomeLinkµ being programmed and hold itdepressed for approx. 2 seconds and thenrelease it. Repeat the press/hold/releasesequence up to 3 times to conclude theprogramming.OperationWhen HomeLinkµ is fully programmed it can beused in place of the separate original remotecontrols.Press the programmed button and hold itdepressed until the garage door, alarm system,etc. is activated (may take several seconds).Naturally the original remote controls can stillbe used in parallel with HomeLinkµ if required.NOTEIf the ignition is switched off, HomeLinkµ willwork for 30 minutes after the driver's doorhas been opened.If programming problems persist, contactHomeLinkµ on: www.homelink.com or ring00 8000 466 354 65 (or premium rate phonenumber +49 6838 907 277).Resetting the HomeLinkµ buttonsIt is only possible to reset all of theHomeLinkµ buttons at the same time, not eachbutton individually. However, individual but-tons can be reprogrammed, see the followingsection "Programming individual buttons".1. Depress the two outer buttons onHomeLinkµ and do not release until theindicator lamp starts to flash.2. Release the buttons.>HomeLinkµ is now set in so-called"learn mode" and is ready to be reprog-rammed, see section "ProgrammingHomeLink®" on page 141.2Button designation and colour vary depending on manufacturer.
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