V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver support Adaptive cruise control*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.159With a further short press the cruise control isdeactivated. The set speed is cleared and can-not be resumed with the button.Queue AssistantIn cars with automatic gearbox Adaptive cruisecontrol is supplemented with the Queue Assis-tant function (also referred to as "QueueAssist").Queue Assistant has the following functions:•Extended speed range - also below 30 km/h and at standstill•Change of target•Automatic braking ceases when stationary•Automatic activation parking brake.Note that the lowest programmable speed forthe cruise control is 30 km/h - even though thecruise control is capable of following anothervehicle down to a standstill, a lower speedcannot be selected.Extended speed rangeNOTEIn order to activate the cruise control thedriver's door must be closed and the drivermust be wearing the seatbelt.With automatic gearbox the cruise control canfollow another vehicle within the range of0-200 km/h.NOTEActivation of the cruise control below30 km/h requires a vehicle in front within areasonable distance.For shorter stops in connection with inching inslow traffic or at traffic lights driving is auto-matically resumed if the stops do not exceedabout 3 seconds - if it takes longer before thecar in front starts moving again then the cruisecontrol is set in standby mode with automaticbraking. The driver must then re-activate thecruise control in one of the following ways:•Press the steering wheel button .or•Depress the accelerator pedal.> The cruise control will then resume follow-ing the vehicle in front.NOTEQueue Assist can hold the car stationary fora maximum of 4 minutes - then the parkingbrake is applied and Cruise Control is dis-engaged.•The driver has to release the parkingbrake before the cruise control can bereactivated.Change of targetIf the target vehicle in front suddenly turns thenthere may be stationary traffic in front.When the cruise control is following anothervehicle at speeds below 30 km/h and changestarget from a moving to a stationary vehicle, thecruise control will slow down for the stationaryvehicle.
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