V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
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04 Driver supportCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian Protection* 04174* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.The collision warning system and CitySafety™ complement each other. For moreinformation on City Safety™, see page 168.1 - Collision warningThe driver is first warned of a potentially immi-nent collision.The collision warning system detects pedes-trians, stationary vehicles as well as vehiclesdriving in the same direction in front of the car.If there is a risk of collision with a pedestrian ora vehicle, the driver's attention is attracted witha flashing red warning signal (no. [1] in the illus-tration on page 173) and an acoustic signal.2 - Brake support2If the risk of collision has increased further afterthe collision warning then the brake support isactivated.This means that the brake system is preparedfor rapid braking by applying the brakes lightly,which may feel like a slight jolt.If the brake pedal is depressed sufficientlyquickly then full brake function is implemented.Brake support also reinforces the driver's brak-ing if the system considers that the braking isnot sufficient to avoid a collision.3 - Auto Brake2The automatic brake function is activated last.If in this situation the driver has not yet startedto take evasive action and the risk of collisionis imminent then the automatic braking func-tion is deployed - this takes place irrespectiveof whether or not the driver brakes. Brakingthen takes place with full brake force in orderto reduce collision speed, or with limited brakeforce if it is sufficient to avoid a collision.WARNINGThe collision warning system does notengage in all driving situations or traffic,weather or road conditions. The collisionwarning system does not react to vehiclesdriving in another direction to the car or toanimals.Warning only activated in the event of a highrisk for collision. This section "Function"and the section "Limitations" inform aboutlimitations that the driver must be aware ofbefore using the Collision Warning systemwith Auto Brake.Warnings and brake interventions forpedestrians are switched off at vehiclespeeds exceeding 80 km/h.Warnings and brake interventions forpedestrians do not work in darkness andtunnels - not even when streetlights are lit.The auto-brake function can prevent a col-lision or reduce collision speed. To ensurefull brake performance, the driver shouldalways depress the brake pedal - even whenthe car auto-brakes.Never wait for a collision warning. The driveris always responsible that the correct dis-tance and speed are maintained - evenwhen the collision warning system withauto-brake is used.2With system Level 2 only.
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