V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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03 Your driving environmentInstruments and controls 0374Warning symbolsSymbol SpecificationLow oil pressureAParking brake appliedAirbags – SRSSeatbelt reminderAlternator not chargingFault in brake systemWarningAFor certain engine variants, the symbol for low oil pressureis not used. Warnings are made via display text, see pages329 and 331.Low oil pressureIf this symbol illuminates during driving thenthe engine's oil pressure is too low. Stop theengine immediately and check the engine oillevel, top up if necessary. If the symbol illumi-nates and the oil level is normal, contact aworkshop. Volvo recommends that you seekassistance from an authorised Volvo work-shop.Parking brake appliedThis symbol illuminates with a constant glowwhen the parking brake is applied. The symbolflashes during application, and then changesover to a constant glow.A flashing symbol means that a fault has arisen.Read the message on the information display.Airbags – SRSIf this symbol remains illuminated or illuminateswhile driving, it means a fault has beendetected in the seatbelt buckle, SRS, SIPS, orIC systems. Drive immediately to a workshopto have the system checked. Volvo recom-mends that you seek assistance from anauthorised Volvo workshop.Seatbelt reminderThis symbol illuminates if someone in a frontseat has not put on their seatbelt or if someonein a rear seat has taken off their seatbelt.Alternator not chargingThis symbol illuminates during driving if a faulthas occurred in the electrical system. Visit aworkshop. Volvo recommends that you seekassistance from an authorised Volvo work-shop.Fault in brake systemIf this symbol illuminates, the brake fluid levelmay be too low. Stop the car in a safe placeand check the level in the brake fluid reservoir,see page 333.If the brake and ABS symbols illuminate at thesame time, there may be a fault in the brakeforce distribution system.1. Stop the car in a safe place and turn off theengine.2. Restart the engine.•If both symbols extinguish, continuedriving.•If the symbols remain illuminated, checkthe level in the brake fluid reservoir, seepage 333. If the brake fluid level is nor-mal but the symbols are still illuminated,the car can be driven, with great care, toa workshop to have the brake systemchecked. Volvo recommends that youseek assistance from an authorisedVolvo workshop.WARNINGIf the brake fluid is under the MIN level in thebrake fluid reservoir, do not drive furtherbefore topping up the brake fluid.The loss of brake fluid must be investigatedby a workshop. Volvo recommends that youcontact an authorised Volvo workshop.
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