V60の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全422ページ 8.97MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V60_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15239.pdf - 8.97MB
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09 Maintenance and serviceEngine compartment 09334FillingBrake fluid reservoir location.The fluid reservoir is protected under the coverover the cold zone in the engine compartment.The round cover must be removed first beforethe reservoir cap can be reached.1. Turn and open the cover located on thecovering.2. Unscrew the reservoir cap and fill the fluid.The level must be between the MIN andMAX marks, which are located on theinside of the reservoir.IMPORTANTDo not forget to refit the cap.Power steering fluidIMPORTANTKeep the area around the power steeringfluid reservoir clean when checking. Thecover must not be opened.Check the level frequently. The fluid does notrequire changing. The fluid level must bebetween the MIN and MAX marks. For capaci-ties and recommended fluid grade, seepage 381.NOTEIf a fault should arise in the power steeringsystem or if the engine is switched off andthe car must be towed, it can still be steered.Air conditioning systemTroubleshooting and repairThe air conditioning system contains fluores-cent tracing agents. Use ultraviolet light whenlooking for leaks.Volvo recommends that you contact an author-ised Volvo workshop.WARNINGThe air conditioning system contains pres-surised refrigerant R134a. This system mustonly be serviced and repaired by an author-ised workshop.
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